I’m Dreaming…of a White…Owl…

There’s a snowy owl in Greene County. It’s not unheard of for them to be as far south as Maryland. And I spotted a Northern Saw-whet last week!  #

2 Responses to “I’m Dreaming…of a White…Owl…”

  • Lonnie says:

    Snowy Owls (and owls in general) are cool.

    Apparently, there is also a family of Bald Eagles which have made their home in Batesville. My first sighting of them was ironically the week right before the election.

    Since our sighting, my neighbors snapped a photo of one on their cell phone.

  • HollowBoy says:

    Several years ago a nesting pair of Bald Eagles was confirmed in Albemarle County. It was on private property and it was agreed among local birders that the location not be disclosed to the general public.
    Last winter I spotted an adult Bald Eagle circling over Downtown, near Martha Jefferson. They are definitely around-good news.
    And don’t forget this is the time of year to see Golden Eagles and Roughlegged Hawks in Highland County.It is believed that goldens also nest in that area although that has not been officially confirmed.

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