Google Street View Nicks C’ville

I guess the Google Street View van got lost, because they’ve got images of 29N to 64, east to 29, and then south on 20 clear to Dillwyn. The dollar value of the lost productivity on the day that Google Street View is available for Charlottesville will be incalculably large.  #

5 Responses to “Google Street View Nicks C’ville”

  • Duane Gran says:

    I’m surprised that they haven’t “socialized” this so that people can upload images themselves. I bet some people would easily walk down the street taking photos and share them.

    Possibly in the future as more cameras have a built in GPS google will be able to harvest public images.

  • Wow, zoom out about 6 times and drag the street view indicator. I think Charlottesville is the only major city in VA that hasn’t been mapped.

  • tomr says:

    Google LOVES Roanoke.

  • BrianD says:

    It looks like the Blue Ridge Parkway is included too.

  • I don’t know, I saw a car drive through the Corner a week or so ago that definitely had a 3D camera mounted on its roof. It didn’t say Google, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see those images up soon.

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