McGrady’s Bans Smoking

McGrady’s Irish Pub is banning smoking. Knowing it was a smoky place, I’d never been there — I’ll make a point of going now. (Likewise, I recent went to Court Square for the first time in years.)  #

5 Responses to “McGrady’s Bans Smoking”

  • It may take a while for the smell to leave, of course. :-P

  • Brian D says:

    Imagine the surprise for those who only visit the Irish Pub on St. Patrick’s Day.

  • Chad Day says:

    this is beyond fantastic. one of the last places I expected to do this, and a place I’m at every weekend (due to it being the cvssc sponsor bar).

    many people wouldn’t go when it was raining due to it being so smoky inside, and not wanting to be out in the rain on the deck .. hopefully this changes things. I’d routinely go in to get a beer, be there for maybe 1 minute, and come out reeking of smoke.

  • van says:

    Yeah Tim McCormack , Wonder if there is a local enterprise which can eradicate the smell? Might be a good business if the no smoking trend continues. Although I`ve been in “no smoking” hotel rooms which still smelled (presumes they were honest about the no smoking).

  • blanco nino says:

    one of the last places I expected to do this

    they’re just following the lead of their “mother” country a few years late…

    personally, i’m quite happy about this. i really like mcgrady’s, and even though i’m an ex-smoker, i think it will be a much more enjoyable place to hang out now.

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