Improved Headlines

I’ve been working on making Charlottesville News Headlines more useful.The new look is courtesy of Darren Hoyt.  #

4 Responses to “Improved Headlines”

  • Darren Hoyt says:

    Nice! You’ve converted Mimbo into a sweet little portal. If you’re interested in modding up the design further, I’ve been seeing some interesting sites lately.

  • My apologies for taking your nice-looking software and applying it in such an ugly fashion. Since no local news outlets (IIRC) provide images in their RSS, the whole thing looks pretty sparse. Eventually I’ll mash up, Charlottesville News Headlines, and Charlottesville Blogs into a single site, and that should help fill things out.

  • Welcome to the Mimbo family. Darren did a fantastic job with this theme, I use it for Charlottesville Photo Night.

    I was wondering why there is no news from the on Cville Headlines? Are our RSS feeds still giving you trouble? I will ask our tech people about adding pictures to the stream.

  • news is showing up there, it’s just that the Newsplex feed totally overwhelms it and the other feeds. I’ve been working on a solution to weight Newsplex items down, thus bubbling up the others, but I haven’t hit on one that works yet. It’s really frustrating.

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