All In All, It’s Just Another Brick in the Mall

The Downtown Mall is made of a million bricks. Really? At ~1,800 feet long, 65 feet wide, 3 bricks/ft2, I get 350k. Anyhow, it’s a lot.  #

16 Responses to “All In All, It’s Just Another Brick in the Mall”

  • Perhaps the side streets, architectural elements (any time the bricks go upwards), and similar will, um, triple the amount? That’s a lot of architecture. Hmm.

  • Baron says:

    Math. It’s a wonderful thing.

  • Cville Eye says:

    I wonder what they’re planning to do with the old brick. I’m sure it will be green. Does anyone know how much we’re paying MMM to sit around deciding on the size of the brick?

  • Cornelius says:

    I see a “what shall we do with the old brick ?” contest on the horizon.

    I espect somewhere there is a good market for old brick if the price is right.

  • Dump it in the quarry!

  • BL says:

    Oh, and they’re not “bricks.” Rather, they are “clay pavers.” I hope the consulting engineers and local powers-that-be know the difference. This isn’t (just) pedantry on pedestrian paths, but a performance issue. What a pity it would be if ignorance — say, like the apparently local decision to lay the original pavers in mortar — served public funds poorly.

  • Jake says:

    I also like how they described the 5×10 inch bricks as a “middle” option – when they are actually the largest.

    I guess maybe they need a million bricks for breakages and repairs in the future? Even taking that into consideration, 1 million bricks seems steep.

  • Cville Eye says:

    I suspect they’re going to buy up enough brick to do all of the side street and probably some of Water Street. They’ll get council to approve the expenditure without close inspection and then tell council down the road that they had already approved the side street projects and begun spending for it. Same old story that our recent councils fall for every time. Overrun O’Connell sure knows how to work them. Since we are spending millions of dollars in green projects, I wonder if our environmentalists will question this disposal. Maybe they can break up some to make the new large parking lot at McIntire Park pervious. Of course, by now, everybody knows that I don’t really think so. I just love pointing out the hypocrisy.

  • van says:

    Based upon sterling past perfomances, I place my faith in the wondrous workings of the City Council. They have now obscured the water issue with brick issue. Genius.

    I anxiously await their foreign policy statement as regards oil

  • Lonnie says:

    Regarding what will happen to the bricks, that was briefly addressed on Charlottesville Tommorrow:

    Councilor Julian Taliaferro asked what would happen to the existing bricks. Schinstock said there were several options, including being ground up to use for trails elsewhere in the City, or used to delineate various portions of the Mall. “They will not be land-filled,” he said.

  • patience says:

    Maybe they could offer them free to local people who want to put in paths on their own properties. It doesn’t hurt to hope. :)

  • Cville Eye says:

    AS for the brick, without a price tag on their disposal, in effect they don’t know.
    I’ve been reading the CCoES minutes and was wondering if that group will take up the issue of the 54,000 trees being clear-cut at Ragged Mountain or is this issue not on the table. With constantly changing attendees, I’ve noticed the Nature Conservancy and SELC are well represented (both strongly in favor of the water plan) so I guess there’s little likelihood that the issue of massive clear-cutting will be discussed. I’ve also noticed that one of the stated goals is to increase the canopy from 31% to 40%. How does the clear-cutting play into that?
    Maybe they could use the bricks at Ragged Mountain Reservoir to construct the new 45 foot dam. I’d better stop making suggestions because some people who feel they have been chosen to be one of the few around hear who can make decisions for all usually do just opposite if they are not made to feel the idea came from them.

  • Lonnie says:

    Hey, I could answer those questions if you like, or even propose to the subcommittee I’m in to review the water supply situation. My guess though is that you’re just trying to be sarcastic. That’s fine though. I have my own sarcastic moments sometimes.

    I’m not aways a big fan of many of the Big Environmental Orgs, inluding TNC, and people in our committee don’t always agree on everything. That said, I’ve been impressed with our ability to transcend politics and suggest real solutions for a wide range of issues. Anyone that reads even the tiniest amount of what I write knows that I’m hardly a “yes man”, but I can say that I’ve been gradually learning just how much you can accomplish if you work with the system instead of against it. There’s still value in working totally outside the system too, and I respect that as well.

  • Cville Eye says:

    No, I was not just trying to be sarcastic. But bother for my sake. I’ve finished reading the six postings of the committee’s minutes and have called my first realtor because I can see the handwriting on the wall and want to get out before I have a hard time selling my house.

  • Sean Tubbs says:

    The item was before the BAR this Tuesday. We’ve got a small write-up, and cable Channel 10 has the archived video here.

  • Lonnie says:

    C’ville Eye,

    I’ve responded to you, but placed it under the water supply thread.

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