JABA Serving Local Foods

CSA HaulIn today’s Richmond Times-Dispatch, Bill Lohmann writes about the Jefferson Board for the Aging’s contribution to the eat local movement. JABA’s end of summer goal is to have their kitchens serving meals that are at least 25% locally grown. Long term, they want as close to 100% as is feasible.

Very impressive. It’d be wonderful to see our local schools doing the same.

3 Responses to “JABA Serving Local Foods”

  • Jennifer B. says:

    When he was a member of the member of the Albermarle Co. school board, JABA CEO Gordon Walker also worked toward getting healthier foods on the schools menus. Too bad the City schools aren’t doing a better job of eliminating the crap.

  • patience says:

    Local food in the Charlottesville public schools? That would be exciting, indeed. I do recall my children’s lunch menus would sometimes specify a “Virginia apple” rather than just an apple.

  • Lonnie says:

    Hmmm… not a bad idea. Maybe I’ll suggest it to CCOES who can make it an official recommendation to City Council.

    Of course, from what I remember from public school was that the food was all generally overcooked or some weird mixture designed to use up the agricultural surplus they’d receive from the USDA. (Prune burgers… Mmmm…) It does seem to me that buying food from local farmers would make a heck of alot more sense than essentially buying the surplus of crops that are over produced.

    That said, I just don’t know how much ability schools have to choose their food source, or not. I also imagine it’d cost alot more, plus in the winter there just wouldn’t be very much agricultural produce to be had. Still worth investigating though.

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