Remember 1970s Horror TV Shows?

Fellow local history buffs, albeit those a bit older than me, might be interested in this note from Sean Kotz:

Where were you on Saturday nights during the witching hour in the 1970s? Well, there is a good chance, like a lot of Virginians, you were watching your local horror host. This summer, Horse Archer Productions is brushing back the cobwebs as we film the new documentary, “Virginia Creepers: The Horror Host Tradition of the Old Dominion.” We will be charting more than 40 years of Virginia’s television history by talking with hosts (former and current) as well as fans to create this just in time for Halloween. In fact, we’re very interested in involving you, and are currently planning a Charlottesville area taping for fans, so if you remember Slime Theatre or Cobweb Theatre or any Virginia host or show, contact us at And go to the website to learn how your stories, memorabilia, and memories can be part of this movie.

I’m always glad to see efforts to document recent local history. John Hammond Moore’s excellent “Albemarle: Jefferson’s County, 1727-1976” peters out in the 1950s, Moore presumably figuring then-recent history would interest few. Here’s hoping somebody takes on the task of updating it soon.

3 Responses to “Remember 1970s Horror TV Shows?”

  • DandyTiger says:

    OMG! I grew up watching Bowman Body in Richmond. What a silly guy. I still remember thinking it was funny that he wore tennis shoes along with his vampire garb. Usually silly and lame commentary before the movies and at commercial breaks. But still managed to make the experience more scary somehow. OK, I was a little kid. Now Sailor Bob, that was a really scary guy. :-)

  • Random Cvillian says:

    Bowman Body also appeared on a latenight show done by NBC29 here in C’ville.

  • Alexandra says:

    Hi Waldo, that’s pretty cool because it reminds me of my favorite horror host up North… Dr. Creep. It’s nice to know that horror is not being left to the wayside,. Dandy, you hit it on the mark with your memories of tennis shoes mixed with vampire garb. My creepy host did some of the same stuff…yet he was just so cool.

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