UTS has set up their own bus-tracking system, which includes a website that works on all browsers, and even has a mobile phone version. UTS and CTS used the same vendor for their projects.  #

3 Responses to “UTS GPS.”

  • Cville Eye says:

    I am willing to speculate that UTS had savvy employees overseeing their project and the City hasn’t. That way, the vendor can charge again for a change order and continue to milk the city from what seems to be a bottomless pit. Remember, the City’s staff worked on an HP 3000 which they had at least going back to 1980. This type of billing is what keeps the vendors going during lean times. It sure helped the company I once worked for. It’s my understanding that the vendor has had to get rid of one subcontractor and hire another at the City’s expense. Bad contract negotiations by the City with no strings on its purse.

  • I am willing to speculate that UTS had savvy employees overseeing their project and the City hasn’t.

    A more likely explanation is the tech staff. The city has only a few programmers on staff at any given time, while the university has hundreds. It’s no problem for the university to throw an employee at a project like this for a few weeks, while it’s much more difficult for the city to do that.

  • Cville Eye says:

    I agree that UVA has hundreds and the sense to listen to their suggestions. Technically, the City’s staff is not assigned to the installation. The City is paying the vendors and their subcontracted laborers. Occasionally, I see where the City advertises on its job listings page for potential employees for the vendor. Gary O’Connell just informed Council that there will be additional hiring by the vendors, to work on what exactly, I have no idea. It is clear, however, that the City is not up on this technology, although it has been using GIS for some time. That’s why the staff in NDS is still proposing that the City spend $1M on a new “system” of signs to get people in and around town. If you’re downtown any time soon, could you stop and show them how your iPhone works? Maybe one of them will be so grateful, he’ll take you to lunch while you bring him into the 21st century. If you take Dug1138(?) with you, maybe he’ll kick in dessert.

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