Dick Mountjoy Dies

The voice of WINA has passed away. Dick Mountjoy died today, at the age of 61, succumbing to cancer. He first went on-air as a UVa freshman in 1965, beginning at WELK and moving to WINA in 1980, where he spent the remainder of his career. His years on air at WINA made him a beloved figure to thousands. He was first diagnosed with cancer two years ago, when a doctor found a tumor the size of an egg at the base of his tongue. Treatment was unsuccessful — the cancer returned in February of 2007. Funeral plans have not yet been announced.

To learn more about Dick, see Lindsay Barnes’ recent profile of him in The Hook.

4 Responses to “Dick Mountjoy Dies”

  • Dick was a true radio legend. He had it all — a warm, friendly voice, a talent for thinking on his feet, an unstoppable sense of humor, an encyclopedic knowledge of music and a great pair of ears.

    While I was chief engineer at WINA, Dick once amazed me by detecting a tape speed error that was so slight it could barely be measured. In the days when radio was live, not automated, he was known for technical proficiency and resourcefulness, and was the only man we ever wanted at the console on election night.

    Dick had a way of keeping us all laughing. Whether the topic was stand-up comedy, the latest crazy commercial, or just something that station life threw at us, Dick’s sharp wit would usually have us rolling on the floor with laughter.

    I’m crushed to hear of his passing. Today the radio world has lost a great asset and a fine man. Rest in peace, Dick, and thanks for everything.

  • jogger says:

    This is sad news. I enjoyed listening to Dick on occasion. He had a talent that is missing in the local radio market today….sincerity. RIP.

  • FlyingRoadstar says:

    I can’t let some crazed shooter steal this headline. That’s a shame right there, this should be front page and top story for all local news outlets.

    I’m just a some-time WINA listener on my morning commute (when the podcasts dry up for the week!) I still miss him. No offense to Rick or Jane or the others, they do a fine job. But it’s not the same without Dick. I’m sure many others, like me, will continue to miss him in the mornings.


  • Cville47 says:

    May the silenced voice of C’ville now sing with a choir of angels. God speed dear Dick, and may God’s blessings be with your family in this time of profound sorrow.

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