Students Stick Around?

NBC 29 reported something yesterday not likely to surprise many: a lot of UVa students stick around after they graduate. According to the UVa Alumni Association, 7-10% of each graduating class stays in Charlottesville. JMU, on the other hand, says that 15% of their graduates live within fifty miles of campus.

While interesting, that doesn’t necessarily tell us much. Perhaps 7-10% of UVa students are from Charlottesville. It strikes me as pretty likely that 15% of JMU’s graduates are from within fifty miles of Harrisonburg. (The media reporting bad or useless statistics are a pet peeve.) That said, we all know lots of people who stuck around after getting their degree, so whatever the percentage is, it’s got to add up to a significant chunk of the population.

3 Responses to “Students Stick Around?”

  • IamDaMan2.3 says:

    what is their problem? Don’t they know they are not helping with our growth issues!

  • Perlogik says:

    7% to 10% are from cville/albemarle? really or are they people who moved here to get into UVa. That’s seems pretty high.

  • jamesf says:

    Shoot, everyone I know is leaving for grad school this fall.

    About a year ago, I realized that a remarkable percentage of the Cvillers I know went to High School in Northern Virginia and then attended William&Mary before moving here. Seriously, something like 15% of them.

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