20,000 New Residents Since 2000

The population of the Charlottesville area grew by 11.4% since 2000, adding 20,000 residents, the Progress reports. The area included in this is Charlottesville, Albemarle, Fluvanna, Greene and Nelson. Urban areas in the state have been growing the fastest, while rural areas have seen population declines. (The Progress inexplicably labels Danville and Petersburg as “rural,” despite Danville having a larger population and size than Charlottesville, and Petersburg having nearly the same size population and being twice the size of C’ville.)

6 Responses to “20,000 New Residents Since 2000”

  • Cville Eye says:

    “…according to estimates released Monday by the Weldon Cooper Center for Public Service at the University of Virginia.” Weldon Cooper grossly over-estimated the City’s population change during the period from 1990 to 2000. If I remember correctly, they were about 12% off, estimating about 35,000 residents to the actual 40,000 approximately.

  • patience says:

    I don’t think this area is prepared for the large amounts of people moving here. The issues of water supply and traffic have been discussed many times. What about health care? Just to give one example of how population growth is an issue: UVA’s emergency room has not kept up with the population growth in our area. One day last week, it was operating at 321% capacity, and on most days the patient load is overwhelming and often there are not enough open beds in the main hospital so that admitted patients board in the ER for very long periods of time.

    In what other ways does the population growth strain local resources?

  • Scott says:

    Patience –

    That’s really interesting…I had no idea, and would have guessed that if anything, the one thing we’d have plenty of is health care providers – largely because of the UVa Medical Center. I’d guess the same thing about lawyers.

    I definitely agree about insufficient infrastructure WRT roads and water. Though I’ve mocked them for years, I’m starting to come around to the view of those who take the ‘don’t build it’ approach to limiting future influx – as in, no water, no house; no road, no house. I think we need to start to force a lot of development ‘externalities’ back into the pricing of new development – developers must be responsible for ALL the costs imposed by their new developments.

    Thanks for the perspective!

  • Cville Eye says:

    What about allowing developers to build a new house if he tears down and existing one?

  • Perlogik says:

    Like most things, the truth of this article is not just what has happened since 2000 but what IS happening now.
    The link show that the county grew at just under 1%.
    2006= 92,693 – 2007= 93601 = 908

    Anybody that wants to compare our County’s growth to any other economically health area of Virginia would be hard pressed to find somewhere with a lower growth rate. Unless folks here what us to go to zero or put up the barriers.

  • Lonnie says:

    C-ville Eye,

    If someone tears down an existing house, then they should be able to build one new replacement house. The exception to that rule is whether the site will support the square footage and other minimum building requirements of the new home. For example, some easements have limits on the size home that should be built. Likewise, if expanding the home would put it in a protected stream buffer or onto critical slope where it wasn’t before then it shouldn’t be allowed, unless it would be impossible to build the home otherwise.

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