You Could Sue Forever

That 19k ft2 house planned in Ivy? The guy who put the easement on the land in the first isn’t letting it happen without a fight.  #

2 Responses to “You Could Sue Forever”

  • Lonnie says:

    Sally Thomas offers little comfort there. “I think we probably will fund an attorney,” she says. And should the Authority’s legal counsel differ from the county’s, she says, “It’s conceivable we could be paying for someone to sue us.”

    Wow… It’s just hard to know what to say about that.

    I’m glad this isn’t happening without a fight. The real danger here is that it could undermine the protection of easements all across the state and render them somewhat pointless. We’ve invested a huge amount of money as a community in recent years to protect our rural area through easements. Will all of that prove to be just a bad investment?

  • Cville Eye says:

    From the story I read on The Hook I got the impression that the easement contract for that particularly piece of property drawn up in 1992 is not necessarily the same contracts that have been drawn up for other tracts subsequently. Does anybody know if each tract has its own contract or does one standard contract blanket all? If so, the County should have consulted with private lawyers long before now. It’s one thing to get a second opinion but it’s absolute ridiculous to hire a lawyer that may be used to sue you in the future. Suits are brought by damaged petitioners and the county should allow damaged parties to bring their own suits. Perhaps Mr. Selden?

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