Hillsdale Drive’s Proposed Route

Brian Wheeler provides a helpful overview of where Hillsdale Drive will be extended through, complete with photos. I didn’t really understand its route until I read this.  #

1 Response to “Hillsdale Drive’s Proposed Route”

  • Lonnie says:

    I learned from Kevin Lynch that part of this project also involves a wetland mitigation bank that’s being managed by the Nature Conservancy. In other words, the projects of various developers around town that have damaged wetlands (or will) mean that those developers then need to create more wetlands elsewhere. The county has decided that instead of creating a bunch of small disfunctional wetlands, they’ll create a really big one over in that area near this new road. I’ve tried to contact TNC to get some details on that project but couldn’t get anyone to call me back. If anyone out there knows more about this than I do, then I’d love to see some more information on it.

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