Progress Endorses Every Single Incumbent

Yet again showing their utter tone deafness to the electorate, the Daily Progress has endorsed every possible incumbent in all three races that they took a position on: city council, BoS, and the 59th HoD and 24th Senate races. Because, hey, if there’s one thing people are demanding, it’s more of the same.  #

11 Responses to “Progress Endorses Every Single Incumbent”

  • Blanco Nino says:

    what makes you so sure the electorate is itching for a change? not saying they aren’t. i’m just thinking that’s a bit of a broad assumption. i mean, if they really do want change, then i think the incumbents would get voted out regardless of who’s endorsing them. personally, i think a newspaper endorsing anyone is utter b.s. what ever happened to “unbiased” journalism?

  • Rich says:

    God, as a former Daily Progress employee, I can tell you that the entire newsroom gagged at the site of those editorials, which were largely handed down from the publisher’s office. Awful.

  • Harry Landers says:

    I’d be concerned, except that the editorial position of the Daily Progress is… irrelevant. Nobody pays any attention to them. Nobody cares. They are not of the community.

  • van says:

    Newspaper endorsement are the product of one person. My endorsement is as good as theirs- although not as widely read.

    I take the Progress for the jokes. They start on page one.

  • Blanco Nino says:

    I’d be concerned, except that the editorial position of the Daily Progress is… irrelevant. Nobody pays any attention to them. Nobody cares. They are not of the community.

    yeah. they’re kinda like those signs that waldo loves so much. “i’m going to vote for a guy b/c his is the only name i can remember seeing in the newspaper or in my neighbor’s front yard.”

  • candimon says:

    Waldo can’t stand he bet on the wrong horse. The editorial in the progress was full of good economic and management reason why Ken Boyd is a better choice.

    It was better than thatnegative and libelous flyer put out by Tony Vanderwaker and Voters against sprawl. I hope that Ms. Joseph ahd nothing to due with the venom and lies of Charlottesville Tomorrows treasuer Tony V, who is also the same thing for VAS.

    Charlottesville Tomorrow should come out against this type of negative electioneering and dismiss Mr. Vanderwake from his position of power

  • Waldo can’t stand he bet on the wrong horse. The editorial in the progress was full of good economic and management reason why Ken Boyd is a better choice.

    “Bet on the wrong horse”? Your understanding of the political process is frightening.

    The goal is not to select to likely winner but, rather, to vote for the person with whom you most agree. More involved voters, like myself, will work to persuade others to agree with them.

    Your view is, apparently, that it’s best to support the likely winner, presumably to curry favor. I find that abhorrent.

  • C says:

    Yep…not surprising at all.

    What I find shocking are the absolute lies the incumbent BOS members have in their ads about “protecting Albemarle’s beautiful countryside.” All three of these guys have voted again and again AGAINST any new policy intended to protect Albemarle’s farms and forests from further fragmentation.

    Their ads are not just disingenuous. They are dishonest.

  • Falstaff says:

    I’m not sure how you can reconcile your response to candimon with your assertion that the DP suffers from tone deafness merely for endorsing the candidates of its choice.

  • Easy: I don’t sell issues. I don’t have any obligation to reflect the will of the community in order to maintain support for my positions. The Daily Progress‘ editorial page isn’t just an utter disconnect from the community, but a disconnect from the rest of the paper and, indeed, the editorial page for the rest of the year. It makes them look out of touch, which is exactly the opposite of how a newspaper wants to be perceived.

  • Falstaff says:

    I still don’t get it. The NYT, a national newspaper, endorsed Walter Mondale in 1984 when he lost 49 states. Were they tone deaf?

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