Profile of Council Candidates

Seth Rosen profiles all five City Council candidates in today’s Daily Progress. If you still haven’t picked from the three Democrats, one independent, and one independent Democrat, consider this your candidate guide.

3 Responses to “Profile of Council Candidates”

  • Is there a guide you could recommend for us Albemarle County folks? :-)

  • Charlottesville Tomorrow’s non-partisan Voter Guides for both the City and County are now available for download on our Election Watch 2007 website. A printed copy will be mailed to every voting household in the City of Charlottesville and the half of Albemarle County with a Supervisor race on the ballot (Scottsville, White Hall, and Rivanna districts).
    Brian Wheeler
    Executive Director
    Charlottesville Tomorrow

  • Alison Hymes says:

    If I could vote in C’ville, I would vote for whoever promised to cancel Comcast’s contract/monopoly on cable television. :).

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