Profiles of the Seven School Board Candidates

Y’all in the city are going to have to pick four school board candidates from the seven people running. Barney Breen-Portnoy provides a rundown of the school board candidates in the Progress to get you up to speed.

13 Responses to “Profiles of the Seven School Board Candidates”

  • Karl Ackerman says:

    I attended the last School Board meeting. Harley Miles held forth on the No Child Left Behind data. I thought I had walked into an IRS seminar: “safe harbor,” “three-year averaging,” etc. etc.

    I would like all the candidates to weigh in on the future of NCLB. Bob Herbert’s recent column in the NY Times is a good place to begin:

    As Herbert makes clear, NCLB is a mess. 8th grade reading levels have actually dropped (nationally and in Virginia) between 2000 and 2007. Every academic subject depends on reading. What else do we need to know?

    I’ve heard it said that we can’t opt out of NCLB because of the $1.5 million that we receive from the Feds. How much do we spend in Charlottesville on NCLB, I wonder? The collecting of data requires the analyzing of data, and I am sure there are many salary dollars tied up in that. (The Central Office budget is closely guarded number, but Ed Gillaspie did note not too long ago that it was “less than 5% of the budget”–well, that would be more than $3 million!)

    If (as Peggy VanYahres noted at the last SB meeting), every school district will ultimately fail on its march to 100% passage rates that NCLB requires, the law needs to change. Who will demand that change, if not our elected school leaders?

  • Please DO NOT vote Edwards says:

    I would very much like to see Alvin Edwards removed from the School Board due to his public support of a child molester in the school system. While Rev. Edwards is in his right to offer compassion and spiritual guidance as a friend and spiritual leader, I think it is abominable that he do so as an elected official representing the schools. Get him out.

  • Karl Ackerman says:

    I understand that Julie Gronlund will be moderating the forum on Saturday morning at the Democratic breakfast. Strange choice for the job. Why not a journalist–or even a Democratic party official WITHOUT ties to the schools? Gronlund has an Edwards/Brownrigg sign up in front of her house. Wouldn’t that sort of advocacy disqualify her as an impartial moderator? Or is this how the Democratic Party endorses School Board candidates without appearing to officially endorse School Board candidates?

  • DontBelieveTheHype says:

    Please site a source a with regards to Edwards and his support of a child molester.

  • Please site a source a with regards to Edwards and his support of a child molester.

    You’ve just asked for clarification on the one topic that isn’t in question.

  • Karen Marsh says:

    Here’s a candidate we can all get behind: KATHLEEN GALVIN. Kathy’s yards sign say “She Does Her Homework” and that is the truth. Kathy has had children in the city schools for years (Johnson, Burnley-Moran, Walker, Buford, CHS), knows the educational issues and understands the community issues as an experienced architect, community and urban planner. Kathy has been all over the city meeting with people in all sectors of our community–from the police chief to social workers to teachers to parents to civic leaders..and Kathy LISTENS. She is working hard to get to the heart of what it will take to educate our city school students one child at a time–to go beyond the standards to reach what each student really needs to learn. I am fully behind Kathy Galvin’s candidacy and urge you to vote for her for Charlottesville City School Board.

  • Gail says:

    I live in the county but I think Karl makes an interesting point at the beginning of this thread. Local school systems are making lots of expensive and educationally questionable decisions right now because of the assumption that NCLB will last forever.

  • UVA08 says:


    This is off topic but I thought you should check the Progress out today. They have an interesting story up about the bypass. Apparently McDonnell has issued an opinion which states that the area (Albemarle) may have to refund 45 million in transportation funds if we don’t include the bypass in our long range plans. The opinion was in response to a request by Sen. Newman.

  • the iron superfly says:


  • Check out the website: for more information regarding Kathleen Galvin

  • Barracuda says:

    Well, I must say that it is a fine website and nice to see the youth (Lydia is a recent graduate of CHS) in this town working ‘pro bono’ on political campaigns they believe in…. though Kathy had my vote the minute she announced! She has been actively involved with the youth and the school system in this town for years, is a consensus builder while staying an independent thinker. Looking at our current school board, I think we need a bit more of thinking from some of the members who look like their main goal at the onset of a school board meeting is ending it and going home (watch a couple in real life!). You need to look no farther than to who of those running for the school board attended (or didn’t, Mr Edwards) the school board debates in front of the public (us) to see that Kathy does do her homework and will take the job, and your tax dollars, seriously.

  • Barracuda says:

    Tuscany Trouble, or can you say BOONDOGGLE?

    WHY are our school board members going to Tuscany at the expense of our school division (when principals in our school system have to save every dime to make ends meet at the school level)???

    In particular, whey are folks (EDWARDS and HAMILTON) who are or very well maybe lame ducks/not going to be holding office in the near future, going along for the ride? How can EDWARDS traveling to TUSCANY possibly help AYP for our division? This from a guy who was too busy to make most of the school board debates- but he is able to clear his schedule for some R&R??


    Make your vote count next week.

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