No Dumping in the Pool

I’m assuming that the “act of vandalism” at Washington Park pool “that compromised the pool’s sanitation” wasn’t a Baby Ruth.  #

5 Responses to “No Dumping in the Pool”

  • BilCo says:

    You are correct that this was not a Baby Ruth. It was a Snickers Bar, and a definite act of gang-related pool terrorism. Crips favor the Snickers Bar (with the “b” written like a “6”) while the Bloods tend to only deploy Baby Ruths. This is a dangerous place…

  • Ando says:

    How much will it cost to put up cameras around the City’s pools?

  • Cecil(2) says:

    Sadly, unless a well-connected businessperson’s investment is at some real or imagined risk, I don’t think cameras will be called for.

  • Lonnie says:

    A better question about the camera is whether anyone would really want to see the afore mentioned act of “vandelism” being, uh, “committed”.

  • pooh pooh says:

    Lonnie, lots of people seem to like to tune in to watch C’ville City Council meetings on tv. Now, someone who likes to watch 5 people shitting in public might find just one a little boring, but who knows?

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