Jeep Course on Water St.

If you have an urge to drive an SUV up a pretend mountain, Jeep has a deal for you. Show up at the Water St. parking lot between noon-8pm Friday/Saturday or noon-6pm on Sunday and they’ll let you take a spin. It’s part of Camp Jeep in Nelson, going on now. You’ve got to love them tourism dollars.  #

6 Responses to “Jeep Course on Water St.”

  • What you don’t have to love is the decision to allow an auto manufacturer to take over a downtown parking lot and shutting down a public street next to the lot. Downtown parking is difficult enough for the public on a Friday night, without these parking spaces disappearing. People who want to go to the Farmer’s Market (and often leave carrying heavy packages) are going to be upset when they can’t park in the neighboring lot on Saturday morning.

    Nelson County is a great venue for Camp Jeep. Downtown Charlottesville is not such a good venue.

  • popeye says:

    This must mean were um like 16th or something now! If there’s anything to make a town a great place to live it’s to be descended upon by a bunch of faux outdoor uber-dorks. Lets hope they all want to move here. I feel a 15 coming on.

  • Blanco Nino says:

    i just got back from the “jeep experience” on water st. two things made me chuckle. first, the rubicon i test drove was left in 4-lo. when i tried to shift into 2-hi, “barbie” told me “oh no. keep it in first.” she couldn’t figure out why the front axle was binding up on the pavement. then, i mentioned that i used to have a cherokee w/ 30 inch mud tires. she was like “wow! that’s big! are those even legal?” i refrained from pointing out that the very jeep we were sitting in come stock w/ 32 inch tires. guess they oughta train their salesfolk a little better.

  • Blanco Nino says:

    also, there were some kids sitting on the roof of the performing arts center hurling insults down on the jeep people. i couldn’t hear much of what they were saying, but there was at least one irate jeep person shaking his fist at them.

  • TrvlnMn says:

    What you don’t have to love is the decision to allow an auto manufacturer to take over a downtown parking lot and shutting down a public street next to the lot. Downtown parking is difficult enough for the public on a Friday night, without these parking spaces disappearing. […]

    I saw the set up for it Thursday afternoon and had that same thought. The whole thing looked pretty lame. But I guess sometimes lame sells cars.

    Nelson County is a great venue for Camp Jeep. Downtown Charlottesville is not such a good venue.

    Yeah but Downtown Cville is where the all the people with money are.

  • SeanG says:

    The parking lot is privately owned by the Charlottesville Parking Center Inc, so Jeep worked out a deal to pay for the lot for the weekend. It’s a business decision not involving the City (except perhaps the closing of 1st street) — was the parking garage full? Ooh, wait, they could have turned the parking garage into a really cool Jeep course!

    BTW: The Performing Arts Center is at the high school. The building Blanco is referring to is the City Center for Contemporary Arts (or more popularly “The Live Arts” building)

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