“Evan Almighty” Not Liked by Reviewers

The reviews of “Evan Almighty” are rolling in, and they’re bad. They’re really, really bad. The positive reviews describe it as “mildly entertaining,” “[this movie] shouldn’t work, but it kind of does,” and “this is idiotic.” I’m a total movie cynic, and even I liked it more than that.  #

12 Responses to ““Evan Almighty” Not Liked by Reviewers”

  • Brian D says:

    Is this movie OK for kids (8-9)?

  • Almost certainly. There’s a scary scene at the end involving a flood and destruction of property, and lots of humor, though that humor is largely right up an 8-year-old’s alley. :)

  • Elizabeth says:

    My three (ages 8, 10 & 11) loved it & asked if we could buy the DVD before the final credits even rolled. I was frankly surprised that children I thought perhaps too jaded to enjoy so soft a movie were that enthusiastic.

  • Jim Duncan says:

    Frankly, I enjoyed it. It was a good movie to which I can take my kids.

  • Lonnie says:

    Maybe that’s part of the problem… Some of the innocent sexual humor in the other one was part of what made it fun!

    Of course, as soon as I heard who’d been cast as the lead actor I knew it was probably doomed. He’s okay but not as a follow up to Jim Carrey’s performance. It couldn’t help but fall short. That said, reviewers aren’t Gods… Ultimately it is whether your average guy likes it that is important. If that happens then it’ll quickly and quietly become golden with the critics too.

    Good or Bad, I’ll still see it though just because it was features Crozet. I’m curious to see how the town is depicted, and whether any of its rural charm comes through or if it is portrayed us the suburban heck it’s quickly becoming.

  • chris says:

    ahahaha… 9% cream of the crop.

    I went to the premiere last week and thought it was a decent movie. It’s not revolutionary or breathtaking by any means, and I didn’t expect great reviews, but I’m also surprised by the extreme negativity. Oh well.

    And yes, it’s a good family movie (it’s rated PG, down from Bruce Almighty’s PG-13)

  • Dan says:

    I also am having trouble understanding the poor reviews. The movie is certainly not going to be a mega hit, but for what it is, I think it’s pretty good. With the exception of a couple of over worked “bits”, the humor is fresh and well paced. The special effects are quite remarkable, and the acting is at a level suitable for a comedy.

    It will be interesting to see the box office receipts on Monday.

  • BilCo says:

    Hell, oop! I mean, Heck! The Baptists loved it:
    Check it out.

  • Brian D says:

    I did see it, and took my son, he loved it. As for humour, Evan’s assistant steals the show. I enjoyed it and it was great seeing familiar places.

  • Lonnie says:

    I agree with the rest, I don’t think anyone expected it to win an Oscar; nonetheless, for the type of film it is, it was a good film.

    I also agree that it is a good family film (but not exclusively so). I loved the shots of all the animals, and the special effects were cool too.

    Mostly I like the way it captured my own feelings about how sprawl is impacting families, the environment and God’s Creation. It was almost as if the film wasn’t just shot in Crozet, but written for it.

  • Sean McCord says:

    I took the family to see EVAN ALMIGHTY this weekend. My wife and I both like Steve Carell and we enjoyed his performance. It is also always fun to see Morgan Freeman and John Goodman. Were it not for the local connection, I don’t know that we would have rushed to see it in the theater. It was much more “wholesome” than BRUCE ALMIGHTY, and not as entertaining, but it was good for a few chuckles. Carell is no Jim Carrey when it comes to physical humor, and watching him bash his thumb over and over again while building the ark did get tiresome.

    One of the things I appreciated about BRUCE ALMIGHTY, and I think worked well in earlier movies such as OH GOD!, is that you are left with some question as to whether the lead character actually saw God, or just imagined that he did. There is no room for any of that kind of ambivalence in EVAN ALMIGHTY. The climax was wayyy over the top, which makes the final scene with the family frolicking in the hills with their dog all the more jarring. My kids, aged 8, 11, and 12, pronounced the film “all right”. They laughed more at HITCHHIKERS GUIDE TO THE GALAXY.

    I did enjoy the crisp, clean look of Hi-Def that the Carmike is now using. This is the first film I’ve been there since they installed the new system and it looks and sounds just great. I may actually go out to see more films now (were it not for another issue addressed later in this paragraph). Previously, I would make a point of going on opening night for a big budget feature because, if I waited more than a few days, the print would be completely beat up. With video, it looks just as good at every showing. So kudos to Carmike for that, but a big fat raspberry for being so dishonest about starting times. We sat through twenty minutes of commercials before the film actually started. They really need to publish two times: when the commercials start, and when the actual movie starts.

  • Sean McCord says:

    One more thing…

    One review linked above from Rotten Tomatoes states:

    The movie’s message about changing the world by practicing ‘acts of random kindness’ would feel a lot more genuine if Evan had cost, say a 10th of its final budget and had those involved plowed the rest of the money into various charitable causes.

    I realize it’s just a movie review, but that is bad journalism, since EVAN’s director Tom Shadyac did exactly that, purchasing a local church for 2.5 million and turning it over to a local group to serve as a day shelter and free clinic.

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