Kleeman Announces Council Campaign

Democrat Peter Kleeman launched his independent bid for election to Charlottesville’s City Council on Monday, Sean Tubbs reports for Charlottesville Tomorrow. In a ten-minute presentation in front of City Hall, Kleeman explained why he’s running and what he’d like to accomplish. He listed his top issues as public involvement, transportation challenges, growth & environment, and issues related to neighborhoods. With degrees from MIT and Harvard, Kleeman’s background as a transportation planner and his years as a fixture at City Council meetings will make him a formidable candidate.

Charlottesville Tomorrow provides video of his announcement:

Peter Kleeman is well-known and well-liked among progressive Democrats in Charlottesville. His candidacy will present a real conundrum for many Democrats, split between supporting the Democratic ticket and supporting an old friend running as an independent. At times like this, I’m glad I live in the county — there’s just no way that I could fail to support Peter, but now I get to rely on the “I can’t vote” excuse.

3 Responses to “Kleeman Announces Council Campaign”

  • Karl Ackerman says:

    A candidate who understands that “the neighborhoods are the strength of Charlottesville”! Peter Kleeman has my vote. I like his issues, his collegial approach, his intelligence, and his sense of humor (a quality in short supply on Council). Peter Kleeman’s announcment is great news for Charlottesville. It’s good for the Democratic Party, too.

  • Jack says:

    I’m surprised that he didn’t just seek the Democratic Party’s nomination. I was among a group of Democrats a few cycles ago who tried (unsuccessfully) to convince Peter to run for our nomination. This was while I was a Vice-chair of the Charlottesville Democratic Committee, which should tell you that there was some amount of institutional support for him at the time.

    Of course, I live in the County now and spend too much time running around in the woods with my kids to do a lot of back-room politicking these days. So I don’t have a vote in this any more than Waldo does. But I certainly wish Peter well in this election.

  • Doolittle says:

    Peter Kleeman is a great guy. Most importantly, he’s not a “political creature” in the usual sense, if you catch my drift.

    Reminds me a bit of Dave Norris– his only agenda seems to be to try and do right by the citizens. Neither is prone to resting on their laurels. Incredibly refreshing!

    Looks like the upcoming election just got a whole lot more interesting. Best of luck to Peter.

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