Include Nontraditional Media in Headlines?

Charlottesville News Headlines syndicates headlines only from traditional media outlets. Some people have suggested that it’s only logical to include Charlottesville Podcasting Network and Charlottesville Tomorrow, since both provide firsthand, factual information about current events in Charlottesville. What do you think?  #

6 Responses to “Include Nontraditional Media in Headlines?”

  • Chad Day says:

    i never knew that even existed.

    idea makes sense to me though.

  • Mark says:

    Charlottesville Podcasting Network – maybe, but given the heavy content of that from existing media – WINA and WNRN isn’t there a risk of duplication?

    Charlottesville Today is highlights it ‘activist campaigns’ on it’s home page. While it is involved in current events, the organization behind it has potentially biased goals in what it covers. That makes the site commentary not news. They want to shape current events not just report on them. So the idea of including it as a ‘news’ source worries me. is the place for them.

  • Charlottesville Podcasting Network – maybe, but given the heavy content of that from existing media – WINA and WNRN isn’t there a risk of duplication?

    WNRN doesn’t have news on their site, so there’s no danger there. WINA only has the briefest of stories, whereas CPN provides the audio of full interviews. I’ve never seen any duplication there.

    Charlottesville Today is highlights it ‘activist campaigns’ on it’s home page. While it is involved in current events, the organization behind it has potentially biased goals in what it covers. That makes the site commentary not news.

    So although the information that they provide is generally firsthand and not available anywhere else (especially in their election coverage), you figure that’s outweighed by the fact that their coverage may well be limited to the topics that they believe benefit their cause?

    Does anybody else agree or disagree with that?

  • Well, since you have NBC-29 sports, I think you ought to add :-)

  • Jim Duncan says:

    Personally, I subscribe to both CPN and CvilleTomorrow’s feeds already, but I would argue that they both provide real news that is worthy of inclusion in the news feed.

    Regarding CvilleTomorrow – they provide far, far more, deeper and better coverage of local land use debates, politics and growth than all the other local media combined – in a format that facilitates discussion and dissemination of the information.

    Regarding their “activist campaigns” on their home page – Transportation, Growth, Rural Areas and the Water supply – sounds like causes that are generally echoed by every local candidate currently running for election.

    I’m sure Brian will chime in, but their cause really seems to be educating the populace.

  • Sean McCord says:

    Waldo, you and I already spoke about this, but i will reiterate here that I think both CVille Tomorrow and CPN should be included. Yes, they have their own feeds, and yes, they are not “traditional” media, but those two, along with CVilleNews ‘natch, are the first places I turn when I went to see deeper and more thoughtful coverage of local events and issues. It would be mighty handy for me personally to be able to turn to a single source. If I were building an aggregator, I would include them.

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