Foster Some Kittens!

The kittening season is underway, and the SPCA needs foster parents. If you’re willing to take care of a littler of kittens until they can find a forever home, e-mail Jennifer and let her know. For more about the local kitten fostering process, see ScamperDude.  #

3 Responses to “Foster Some Kittens!”

  • TrvlnMn says:

    I couldn’t do it. I’d end up with oodles of kitties I couldn’t give up, and I’ve already got several (a few of them courtesy of a female feral that decided my back porch was an good place to birth her litter).

  • Sounds to me like the problem isn’t that you can’t do it, but that you’re already doing it. :)

  • TrvlnMn says:

    Yeah. I guess I am.

    Now that all the ferals I regularly feed and spoil finally trust me- I need to betray that trust and get off my butt to call Voices for Animals about their Trap, Neuter, And Release program So I don’t wind up with even more.

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