Independent Candidate in Sheriff’s Race?

WINA is running a curious story right now, “clarifying the position of [Sheriff Ed Robb]” in the sheriff’s race. Robb wants listeners to know that “he will not make any public endorsements in the race to succeed him until after June 12th.” Republicans and Democrats have chosen their candidates, which would normally be the end of things, but the filing deadline for independents and third party candidates isn’t for another few weeks. This is a strange thing for Robb to say unless he suspects that another candidate may be jumping into the race. Interestingly, Robb apparently requested this correction as a result of Republican candidate Chip Harding claiming that he had Robb’s support in the race, indicating that Harding had cause to believe that the incumbent is backing him.

Robb won last time around with 49% of the vote, a result of a third candidate garnering just 13% of the vote. The guy who came in second? Larry Claytor, with 37%, the man who is the Democratic nominee this time around.

2 Responses to “Independent Candidate in Sheriff’s Race?”

  • Steve says:

    I am not sure what the big deal is and why Robb has not come out and endorsed a candidate. Looks looks to me that Robb is trying to generate attention to himself and is having a hard time riding off into the sunset.

  • JLOR says:

    My guess is his guy, Roger Craig, you know, the “only real Democrat in the race”, will try a run as an independent. Although I’m totally guessing here, I’d expect Robb to back him.

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