C’ville Mentioned on The Simpsons

The 400th episode of the Simpsons, “You Kent Always Say What You Want,” aired last night, and it contained a mention of Charlottesville. Our cameo is as a faux ice cream flavor. Fred Weaver provides this clip:


16 Responses to “C’ville Mentioned on The Simpsons”

  • Megan says:


    Maybe it’s just me, but I listened to it twice, and I really thought he said “Charlotte Drill Chew.”

    On third listen, it did sound more like “Charlottes ville” but he was pronouncing it with the “ch” being like “chew,” not like “charlotte.”

    Did anyone see it referenced in subtitles?

  • Definitely cool. My history teacher’s obsessed with The Simpsons though and watches it every weeks – surprised he didn’t mention anything today…

  • Ando says:

    I almost jumped out of my chair when I heard that. Not to rain on anyone’s parade and maybe I misheard it, but I think we’re associated with a topping / candy, not an ince cream flavor (they must have heard we’ve tumbled down to #17 before finalizing the script).

    Anyway, everything else Homer mentions is a fictional knock-off of something…Snickers, Gummy Bears, Good N Plenty, Kit Kat, something Hershey, Mr. Goodbar and Mild Duds.

    What the heck is Charlottesville Chew supposed to represent? Someone embiggen my knowledge – is this a cromulent produdct?

  • What the heck is Charlottesville Chew supposed to represent?

    Charleston Chew. It’s perfectly cromulent.

  • Marijean says:

    I totally thought I was hearing things.

    How about that “24” episode though? That was even better.

  • Lonnie says:

    I think my favorite so far was when we were featured on the X-Files. It was at a horse farm, and somehow that just seemed spot on. Of course Charlottesville has changed alot since then. We don’t have as many farms of any sort left around here anymore. Most of the horse farms in Western Albemarle have already been turned into subdivisions.

    I’ll be interested to see how Evan almighty depicts Crozet…

  • Chris says:

    I watched this episode during broadcast and completely missed this joke — I guess the hard “Ch” threw me off and/or I wasn’t paying attention.

    How about that “24″ episode though? That was even better.

    Sunday was the first time I sat down to watch new Simpsons in a long while… I’ll just say I didn’t think they were awful, which is more than I can say about this entire season of 24.

  • Uva82 says:

    “I’ll be interested to see how Evan almighty depicts Crozet…”

    Did they film some scenes there? I just checked out the trailer at evanalmighty.com., and there are plenty of blue mountains in the background. Between the Va. connection and the kid-friendly appeal, I might have see this in a theater.

  • Jim Duncan says:

    Uva82 –

    Evan Almighty was filmed almost entirely in Crozet – more can be found

    here and here and cvillenews

  • Blanco Nino says:

    they’ve done this before. who can forget the TV shopping episode where homer marvelled over “all the big brands, like sorny and magnetbox”?

  • […] our fair city recently found its way into the 400th episode of The Simpsons. As reported by Waldo Jaquith, while ordering the types of toppings he wanted on his ice cream, Homer Simpson listed a series of […]

  • Chrissy says:

    Lonnie – The XF reference was definitely my favorite too! :) Sigh. Forget Jefferson–I’ll always be proud to be from the town where the Well-Manicured Man’s dirty mistress raised horses. XD

    It always tickles me when Cville gets a nod like this, because for all the stuff that’s here, it strikes me as bizarre how few people have ever heard of us.

  • I must use this opportunity to point out that the Springfield Town Hall looks exactly like Monticello, to an extent to which I cannot believe that it’s coincidental.

  • Logan says:

    I think it was a play on Charleston Chew (http://www.tootsie.com/cc.html). Cool non the less.

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