Bograd Resigns from School Board

Now there are four There are still three C’ville school board seats without candidates to run for them: Louis Bograd is resigning from his seat to move to Kentucky. 9:22pm Update: Bograd, it turns out, is one of the four board members up for reelection. So not only is that seat opening in November, but it’ll be opening up even sooner, when he moves. Council The school board will need to make an interim appointment so that somebody can fill out his term.  #

5 Responses to “Bograd Resigns from School Board”

  • Jennifer says:

    Isnt Alvin Edwards running for his seat? I believe there are three vacant seats. Either way, we need committed people to run for those seats, it is a really important job.

  • Four of the seven seats are up for reelection. Of those four candidates, only Alvin Edwards is running for reelection. That’s three open seats. Now comes Bograd’s decision to resign from his seat, which leaves a fourth open seat.

  • DaveNorris says:

    Lou’s is one of the four seats that were up for election in November. So, there are three vacant seats to be filled, plus Alvin Edwards’ seat, putting four seats at play in total.

  • DaveNorris says:

    Minor correction to your correction–it’s the School Board itself, not Council, who will be making the interim appointment to fill Lou’s seat…

    And Jennifer is correct, we need good people to step up and run for these seats. I was on the losing side of the debate over an elected School Board, but now that it’s here, we need candidates!!

  • A correction to my correction. Oy vey.

    Clearly, it’s not my day.

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