Voices of Poverty

Hear a new interview with homeless Charlottesvillians every few days at the Voices of Poverty website.  #

1 Response to “Voices of Poverty”

  • Marijean says:

    Waldo, Voices of Poverty is not just about the homeless in the area. While the project team talked to two homeless individuals, others included in the project represent the varieties of life lived in poverty in our community. The podcasts include people living in shared homes, working several jobs, facing health issues, immigration issues and teen pregnancy. Those living in poverty came from a variety of backgrounds. They were old, young, single, married, with children and without; they had many different colors of skin. All live in poverty. We also talked to those working with the poor, to make a difference. The site, http://www.voicesofpoverty.org provides a comprehensive list of links to area resources as well.

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