The Daily Progress “Uptown” Insert

Brian Wheeler writes for Charlottesville Tomorrow about a curious advertising insert that appeared in the Daily Progress last Friday that turns out to be funded by the Progress. Entitled “Uptown,” it promoted “shopping,” “eating,” and “living” in Hollymead, Forest Lakes and 29 North, mixing promotion of the Places29 master planning process with the advertising. Brian asked the advertising department what the deal was with this, and they explained that they just want “to boost traffic towards that area which is not getting the attention it deserves.” What, it’s so crowded that nobody goes there anymore?

9 Responses to “The Daily Progress “Uptown” Insert”

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    i thought everyone worried about traffic up there? WHOOPS!

  • Duane Gran says:

    Advertorials like this only make sense if you endorse commerce as the raison d’être for our community. While not entirely bad, it crowds out more worthwhile pursuits.

  • Gail says:

    For years I have rarely gone north of Lowes since I live near town- I always thought I was unusual about this but maybe not…Why would anyone, who did not live up there, go up there anyhow??

  • proctologistview says:

    I think this act of the Progress is not “curious” at all. The trend in all local papers seems to be to often give local merchants a publicity boost, one way or another, perhaps in a direct deal for ads purchase or perhaps not ,but it amounts to the same thing.

  • krasota says:

    I go to Petsmart because none of the local pet supply shops stocks a dog shampoo I can use (allergies). If online pet supply shops listed ingredients, I’d just order online. I *hate* making that drive. Heck, when going up to Swift Run Gap, I often cut through the countryside past Earlysville and Dyke now.

  • I think this act of the Progress is not “curious” at all.

    If the newspaper is giving away free advertisements then I think it’s fair to say that’s a strange thing. They’re in one business and one business only: selling people’s eyeball time to advertisers. Kinda odd to give that away, isn’t it?

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    well DQ is suppose to be coming soon woot

  • proctologistview says:

    Waldo says:If the newspaper is giving away free advertisements then I think it’s fair to say that’s a strange thing.

    Ah, but I didn`t say something for nothing. Have you not noticed the “news” stories on local businesses with a large ad bought by that same business on another page? Quite common. Merely the ad salesperson doing a little “business”.

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