C’ville Officially Weds Besançon

Mayor David Brown made official our sister-city relationship with Besançon, France on Friday, leading the French mayor to comment: “It is, for me, a very big moment of happiness today. Today is wedding night for our towns.” Besançon’s lacy undergarments apparently enticed us, its lesbian sister-bride, since an inbred half-French child-city is expected in nine months.

8 Responses to “C’ville Officially Weds Besançon”

  • TrvlnMn says:

    “Wed’s Besançon”…? I guess that would make Cville a sort of “Polygamist.” How many Sister cities is that now?

  • gman says:

    I agree TrvlnMn. I think it’s time we hired a good divorce lawyer. Doesn’t City Council have anything better to do with their time?

  • proctologistview says:

    By the way isn`t former “mover shaker- I`m always right” Caravati President of the local Italian – American League – (not that there is anything wrong with that) and probably disappointed as “his sister city ” hasn`t been tapped for the first (more to come) statue?

  • Jack says:

    A lot of people actually don’t realize that this is where Short Pump came from. Richmond has had a thing going with the city of Wakayama in Japan for a long time. At some point in the late 1980’s they, uh, expressed their love physically. Now they have Short Pump.

    True story.

  • perlogik says:

    Now they have Short Pump.
    Jack have you been watching South Park reruns again?

  • I guess that would make Cville a sort of “Polygamist.” How many Sister cities is that now?

    For us, three. For Besançon? Twelve.


  • Elizabeth says:

    Of course sister marrying sister is both incestuous and homosexual. Praise be: a constitutional amendment will shortly nullify the relationships.

  • No, the amendment bars civil unions. Gay marriage was already illegal in VA, just as polygamy is.

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