Turner Speaks Out About…Nothing

UVa Dean of African-American Affairs Rick Turner retired abruptly back in July the week after pleading guilty to lying to federal investigators in a drug probe, having been assigned a probation officer and agreeing to regular drug testing. Nobody knows the slightest thing about the case other than that. Turner is famed for his blunt outspokenness, so when interviewed on WINA by equally outspoken guest host (and recently-defeated City Councilor) Rob Schilling today, fireworks could well have been expected. Instead, The Hook has Schilling didn’t once ask Turner about his conviction or abrupt exit from UVa in the hour-long interview. A Hook reporter finally called to ask the obvious question, which Turner deflected and Schilling ignored.

The story behind Turner’s guilty plea and departure from UVa will have to remain a mystery until a reporter or a radio host with some cajones has the opportunity to get an answer.

4 Responses to “Turner Speaks Out About…Nothing”

  • joeblowcvillenow says:

    More importantly, why is Rob Schilling on the radio. Listening to him you wonder who is running WINA. It is clearly a way for him to be political. Half the time he was talking about what other councilors supposedly did behind the scenes or did to him. A journalism background is obviously not a prerequisite for employment at the Charlottesville Radio Group.

  • ducktroller says:

    What next? Schilling interviewing Dede Smith on the joys of solitude at Ivy Creek? Good riddance to them both.

  • jennifer says:

    Thank you for this post. I couldnt listen to the 5 o’clock hour, but I knew when I heard the introduction of Dr. Turner, Rob would not be discussing what led to his retirement at UVA.

    The first hour could have been so much better, I believe a dialogue about the City schools is important. However Schilling’s inflammatory comments and clear partisianship was in stark contrast to Coy’s easygoing, but intelligent monologues which always leave open the possibility for dissent.

  • jeeperman says:

    Ah Turner…amazing wasn’t it how ready he was to jump on any supposed “issue” of race and spew his diatribes, yet when he was in the hot seat, he hid his face. Why even call him up for an interview?

    And Rob, you lost. Go home and play your guitar. It really is great that both of them have been for the most part removed from the public arena.

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