Student Hospitalized with E. coli

This seems bad:

A University of Virginia student was hospitalized this week with what family members believe was an E. coli infection he contracted after eating a salad made from bagged mixed greens purchased in a local grocery store.

C’ville Market tells the Progress that one of their suppliers called them and had them put all of their spinach in a trash bag, and the supplier event sent somebody out to pick it up. This national outbreak of spinach-related E. coli just seems to be getting worse.

7 Responses to “Student Hospitalized with E. coli”

  • CR UVa says:

    Unless people are completely oblivious to the news, or that this person caught E. coli before the news started to spread, I want to know how anyone could be getting it from spinach at this point. Aren’t most people aware of it? Shouldn’t stores have been pulling all of this stuff over the last few days?

    In the end, I am sure this student will be fine unless he has some pre-existing issues. Most people who die from E. coli are infants and senior citizens. Decent hospital treatment and he’ll be out soon enogh.

  • From the story:

    Hermida said he bought bagged greens that included baby spinach from a local grocery store before the FDA announcement. He said he made himself dinner and a salad on Sept. 11. He became ill on Sept. 17 with a severe stomach ailment and was treated and released at UVa early Sept. 18.

  • TrvlnMn says:

    Everyone seems to be forgetting that this isn’t the first outbreak of ecoli in “bagged greens.” A several years ago bagged lettuce was the subject of a similar warning. The news back then suggested that the sealed environment of the bag provided an ideal environment for the harmful bacteria to multiply. And with bagged greens a lot of people skip the step of “washing” that they might not skip with non bagged produce.

  • colfer says:

    That’s interesting. A few months ago I read or heard on the radio an expert say that bagged greens were safer than other produce because they were washed in a weak chlorine solution.

    By the way, the most frustrating thing about “RadioIQ” is the endless parade of shills, paid by think tanks or the gov’t. Only the most dogged interviewers seem to even care about this problem of excessive b.s. I would rate as the best: BBC, Diane Rehm and To The Point (KCRW). I think Diane’s about to blow a fuse as every year the shills come on her show more full of crap than last year. They must see it as a challenging warmup session for the easier TV talk shows. Those are the best shows. The worst are the shows out of NPR’s Washington studios.

  • cowtownadv says:

    FYI: Food Lion in Louisa isn’t selling bagged spinach at all, until they hear otherwise from the FDA. Smart policy.

  • dkachur says:

    I imagine that’s the policy everywhere. While I haven’t specifically noticed anywhere other than Whole Foods, if a store HASN’T pulled their spinach, I imagine we’d have heard of them by now.

    I’m glad my childhood determination to never eat my veggies has finally paid off.

  • cville_libertarian says:

    I love To The Point – Warren Olney is fantastic! Even though it’s similar to the competing talking head format of TV, he does a good job of getting very knowledgeable people who argue pretty truthfully. I think he’s got a really good research outfit, and asks pretty pointed questions. It’s also obscure enough that people aren’t too afraid of being heard.

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