4,400 Pot Plants Seized Near Scottsville

In a ginormous bust, state and local officials seized 4,400 marijuana plants from a garden behind a guy’s house just outside of Scottsville, Rob Seal reports in today’s Progress. Gary Peck, 51, had a patch of bamboo with a 10′ by 10′ area carved out in the middle to grow the plants. I figure that’s 3.2 square inches per plant, or 1.8″ by 1.8″ — I wish I could grow things in my garden at that density. Peck has been charged with manufacturing with intent to distribute. Police are carefully drying it to…uh…preserve it.

6 Responses to “4,400 Pot Plants Seized Near Scottsville”

  • ajs says:

    The article also claims that some of the plants were nine feet tall. Certainly pot can grow to be nine feet tall, but how all of this fit into 100 sq. ft. is an interesting question. My guess is that part of the are was a seedbed for germinating plants, and that the cops are counting in anything green they scratched up anywhere near there. There’s an impetus to try to “find” as many plants as possible.

    Well, I certainly feel much, much, much safer now. (sigh)

  • ratboy says:

    Yea, the numbers don’t really add up, do they? I’ve about 20 basil plants in my garden that are positively choked for space in their 5 foot by 5 foot setting.

  • cville_libertarian says:

    This is a good example of the way in which the system is gamed – I’d bet quite a lot of these are seedlings with no street value whatsoever.

    I’m surprised they aren’t trying to weight the dirt root balls to make the weight of the seizure even bigger.

  • finnegan says:

    That last bit about checking the drying plants made me laugh.

    There was no mention of the THC content of the plants. Could it be similar to the shwag that grows in WV, which has little or no THC? Of course, I guess that doesn’t really matter to a judge.

  • Rufous says:

    Especially because they would probably bust you on drug charges for growing hemp… gotta love the war on drugs and the ludicrous laws that it created for our “protection”.

  • Elizabeth says:

    Hemp got tossed out many decades ago in the ‘reefer madness’ lunacy launched by W.R. Hearst. It seems he had bought a bunch of timberland and someone developed a way to make paper out of hemp. His investment was going to be compromised, so he used his newspapers etc to get it all outlawed. It was briefly legal to grow hemp during WWII (desperately needed for ships’ ropes), but our laws are still protecting a dead man’s investments.

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