Indy School Blog, Carnival

I’ve noticed that nothing brings participants out of the woodwork here like a post about the Charlottesville school system. A whole new crowd got involved during the Scottie Griffin fiasco, parents who normally wouldn’t participate in blogs, and many of them continue to read. I think somebody — ideally a parent of one or more children in the C’ville public schools — could provide a great service by creating a blog about the ups and downs Charlottesville school system. I’d be happy to help somebody set up such a blog; contact me if you’re interested.

Also, Jennifer is hosting this week’s C’ville Blog Carnival, so if you’re a blogger that wants to brag about a recent blog entry or a blog-reader that wants something you’ve seen to be read more widely, e-mail her. And if you’re a local blogger and you want to have many hundreds of people descend on your site, please volunteer to host the carnival in an upcoming week.

3 Responses to “Indy School Blog, Carnival”

  • violet says:

    yep, I’m one of those parents who started reading cvillenews last year for news and comments on the school system. i still check the blog, looking specifically for school stuff. i’m not the one to set up the indy school blog but would be an avid reader if it gets going.

  • I hope somebody does. I enjoy writing about and following C’ville school matters, but my time in public school was at WAHS; I didn’t even go to UVa. I think there are a few dozen folks who could follow the topic better than me with one hand tied behind their back. :)

  • cville_libertarian says:

    I’m one of those folks who became active here when the Griffin Fiasco was going on – my indirect involvement in the CCS was also coming to an end at the same time, after over a decade. So, while I thought I had something to contribute to the Griffin and pre-Griffin discussion, I don’t think I could make an honest on-going contribution. I also don’t believe an ‘insider’ in the system would really be in a position to do such a thing for any length of time. Perhaps someone enterprising who actually regularly attends the board meetings and watches the scores, reduced lunch numbers, and other metrics regularly could be a ‘reporter’ of sorts. I just don’t know if there would be fodder for an entire blog – recall that even during a period of intense interest/activity like the Griffin fiasco, the stories/postings here on Cvillenews were sporadic.

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