Blogging Round Up

Here are some of my favorite Charlottesville blog entries from the past week.

Patience, tracking the renovation of her Belmont home, explains why so many houses in the neighborhood are stuccoed and about her efforts to de-stucco her own dwelling. Turns out stucco is basically concrete, and a real bummer to remove.

Bill Emory’s weekly “day of rest” photograph features his hands and those of his twin daughters on the grave of Rear Admiral William Hemsley Emory (1846-1917). I look forward to his Sunday photo every week.

Dave Norris isn’t happy about the second cross street on the Downtown Mall, pointing out that Council chose to ignore the Planning Commission’s 5-2 opposition to the street back in January. The new street will eat up $0.03 of each property tax dollar.

Elisabeth Epps posted a Flickr set of her recent accident on Millmont St., when she was hit by a car that crossed the center lane. I love that she took the time to snap a mirror photo during the ordeal.

Another Flickr series comes from Zion Crossroads EMT-E Jason See, who provides some great photos of a FedEx truck that caught fire in Louisa [1, 2, 3].

Colten Noakes speculates that the Preston Ave. Bodo’s is getting WiFi, though admits that he might just be starting a rumor.

Anoop Ranganath continues reviewing his dining experiences of the week. Bodo’s always good, el Puerto not so great, Basil pretty good, Amigo’s mediocre, South Street improved but uninteresting, Tea Time Desires enjoyable, Marco and Luca’s dumplings newly-questioned (they’re frozen?), China King Buffet not good, and Foods of All Nations the best of the week.

When I spot a great sunset or an amazing cloud formation, I can always count on Trish to snap a picture so I don’t have to. She doesn’t disappoint this week, with a lovely picture of the crazy storm that rolled into town Monday evening.

Jennifer is unhappy that the city is tearing down trees on Locust Ave. and that they’re not even going to replace all of them.

Dan Kachur just can’t hold back: he hates the Kroger on Hydraulic. Having worked in a grocery store, he knows: that place sucks.

Finally, Sally’s head just exploded when she had a realization: Bert & Ernie = Larry & Balky.

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