Six Candidates for School Board

The filing deadline having come and gone, we’ve got six candidates running for three school board seats in this, our first school board election. The Hook rounds ’em up:

Sue Lewis, a retired financial advisor, who has been applying for a seat on the board for the last 20 years; Newcomer Charlie Kollmansperger, an ex-teacher, entrepreneur, and strong critic of ex-supe Scottie Griffin. (who famously told the board, “I resent being labeled a racist because me and my colleagues oppose cuts to P.E. and guidance.”); current board member, Ned Michie; former teacher, Vance High; director of UVA’s Upward Bound Program, Leah Puryear; and Albemarle transportation planner, and student tutor, (and former jury foreman in the Alston murder trial) Juandiego Wade.

Any endorsements or predictions of victory?

6 Responses to “Six Candidates for School Board”

  • gman says:

    I’ve known Charlie Kollmansperger for a number of years, and can give him a personal endorsement. He’s an honest sincere person, and is pretty passionate about what he gets involved in.

    Besides that, just reading “Alston murder trial” makes my blood boil. I think Wade has proven to be an outstanding citizen, but I would really think twice before putting anyone from that jury into a decision making position.

  • The only one of the bunch that I know is Sue Lewis, who I’ve known and admired for the past decade. I know of Ned Michie and Vance High, of course. The other three are a mystery to me.

    I live in the county, though, so I don’t much matter to this race. :)

  • Cecil says:

    Ned Michie is a good guy whom I fear might be tainted with the “old school board” brush (though he was appointed to the board AFTER Griffin was hired…). I know he has a child who has gone all the way through the city school system, and I know he is committed to the system. He’s a sensible, caring guy. I hope he keeps his seat.

  • ducktroller says:

    Hey, Waldo, if you don’t know Charlie, why diss the man? (“famously told the Board… famously made a grammatical mistake speaking off the cuff? Pleassse!)

    We need a new School Board: Sue Lewis has the drive and the financial background which would likely have saved us at least million bucks last year. (EG: the Flanagan tests: Ned Michie and Board saw this test at a trade show, bought it on the spot–no public discussion, no serious vetting with other Boards, and violating Virginia Procurment Act requirements for an RFP and multiple bids for contracts over $50K– (test + computer system to grade the test) and implemented it at a HUGE cost in instructional time. By May the Flanagans were gone…what a waste of time and money.) Then there was the Scottie Griffin buyout: $300K. The PDK audit: nearly $40K (also violated state law by not having going through the open bidding process..) And did I mention the three new hires at Central Office at well over $400K? No public discussion, Dr. Purnell arrives in the fall of 2004 and leaves this summer: cost +$250K, the job posting for Mrs. Ivory’s position required a PhD, but she was hired without a PhD–violation; the former SB chair who hired Scottie Griffin was hired by Griffin two months later; and she still works in Central Office. No dissent from Ned Michie and the School Board: wrong, wrong, wrong.

    Charlie Kollmansperger has been in the classroom. He’s smart. Ms. Atkins needs someone on the board with his background and temperament. Juan Wade seems very smart, too. I like the fact that he will know how to operate in a political environment (from his experience at the County Planning dept.) and has likely read a budget or two.

    Lewis, Kollmansperger, Wade for Smith, Wiggins, and Michie looks like a winning trade to me.

  • Hey, Waldo, if you don’t know Charlie, why diss the man? (”famously told the Board… famously made a grammatical mistake speaking off the cuff? Pleassse!)

    That wasn’t me — that was The Hook I was quoting from.

  • mom133d says:

    Vance High has developed curriculum being used in the Pacific Northwest (i.e. Seattle) and managed budgets in university research laboratories. He also cofounded the Aids Support Group in the area. He has taught a diverse population of students ranging from severely handicapped to extremely gifted. He also wants to remove vending machines in the City schools because of the obesity epidemic as 1:3 are obese in US population. This leads to a higher risks of developing Type II diabetes which accounts for one in seven of VA health care dollars. I think that is admirable. I read where he has a degree in epidemiology and attended the Curry School of Education at UVA where he got a masters.

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