Caravati to Retire from Council

In a press conference yesterday, former mayor Blake Caravati announced that he does not intend to seek a third term on City Council when his term expires this May, John Yellig writes in today’s Progress. Councilor Rob Schilling’s first term also expires in a few months, though he hasn’t indicated what his plans are. C’ville’s former fire chief, Julian Taliaferro, intends to run for the seat, as does Dave Norris. Dave will be announcing his candidacy on Thursday.

(Disclaimer: Dave is totally awesome.)

8 Responses to “Caravati to Retire from Council”

  • City Councilor Caravati not seeking 3rd term

    WINA is reporting that City Councilor Blake Caravati is not seeking a 3rd term on Charlottesville City Council. Elections for two City Council seats will take place this May. City Democrats will have a mass meeting to nominate their candidates

  • perlogik says:

    I have heard it’s tradition to only run for two terms. Anybody else heard this?

  • I keep reading that, but, then, David Toscano, so I don’t really get it.

  • perlogik says:

    Maybe tradition meets convenience?

  • cvillenative says:

    convenience? maybe he doesn’t want to defend his record. he certainly leaves office rubbing salt in political wounds of his own party. either he’s not very bright, so time to go. or he’s working on an out-of-office quid pro quo. that might explain his proposal to expand eminent domain even further in Cville. It’s hard to imagine the city wants more land, without releasing the land already seized for these identical purposes.

    Letter to General Assembly opposes Charlottesville/s affordable housing amendment

  • cvilletransplant says:

    Good luck to Blake Caravati— an always friendly, approachable and good spirited leader. His democrat-council counterparts should take a page from his book.

  • perlogik says:

    His democrat-council counterparts should take a page from his book.

    And not run again?

  • TrvlnMn says:

    Good riddance. Caravati’s comments in a recent issue of the daily progress prove he’s not suited for public office.

    Councilor Blake Caravati said the daytime deliveries and restorations are not enough. He said the companies should restore full delivery to the restricted areas.

    “We can’t do anything through our licensing to require that, but my feeling is one of righteous indignation,” Caravati said. “I do know that the crime levels are down in those neighborhoods and I see delivery vehicles of all varieties in the neighborhoods both day and night. I’m on the edge of saying it’s racist.”

    Okay Mr. Caravati I’d like to see you work as a delivery driver for these pizza delivery companies, and to do so only in the areas defined as “high crime” or “no delivery” areas and then do it for at least 1 month full time.

    I Blake Caravati is shooting his mouth off about something he doesn’t really have a good understanding about.

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