Mets Sign Wagner

Thirty-four year old Billy Wagner owns a pair of farms just outside of town, on which he raises a few dozen alpacas. Wagner’s had to pick up a second job, though: pitcher. The Mets signed him yesterday in a four-year, $43M deal, the Asbury Park Press reports. The Virginia native was with the Phillies, but the hotshot pitcher became interesting to a number of teams recently, with the Mets winning the bidding war. I don’t have any love for the Mets, but if the enemy of my enemy is my friend, they’re cool by me.

12 Responses to “Mets Sign Wagner”

  • IamDaMan3 says:


    psst this is a sports story on CVillenews? OMG!!

  • I wrote it just for you.

    Merry Christmas!

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    don’t push your religious agenda on me mister!

  • Airman says:

    “It’s a Festivus MIRACLE!”

  • perlogik says:

    Billy Wagner is a really nice guy and helps the UVA baseball team out. Still that is alot of money for throwing a ball very, very fast. I hope he saves lots of games for the Mets, they really need him.

    Happy Festivus everybody!

  • Big_Al says:

    Looking forward to that first Ryan Zimmerman HR off of Wagner. And the one after that, and the one after that, and …

  • perlogik says:

    From today’s DP by Whitelaw Reid “With the holidays fast approaching, Cosmo Kramer may have called what transpired last night at University Hall “a festivus miracle.”

    Sport story: Festivus I think somebody been reading cvillenews.

    Waldo, are you in on this?

  • It’s related to that Charlottesville media conspiracy that I’m occasionally accused of being part of. We have a general plot to tighten the lihbrul media grip on the nation, squeeze out the religious right, ban Christmas and replace it with Festivus.

    But I’ve said too much.

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    haha, you know i was kidding about the whole Christmas thingie!

  • Hollow Boy says:

    Hope that Ryan Zimmerman hits a lot of homers too next year, Big Al. But wish even more that MLB gets the ownership issue settled so that the team can compete on an even basis. They made a great run this past season but just didnt have the players to keep it up. And already they have lost one of their key pitchers(Esteban Loiaza) to Oakland. Thats pretty bad. Its one thing not to be able to compete with the Yankees financially, but a fiscally-limited team like the A’s? What Selig and Co. has been doing is unfair.
    While I was delighted to see the White Sox win the World Series this year, I’d like to point out that Washington has not hosted a post-season since 1933. At least Chicago has done that since then(1935,1938,1945,1959,1983,1984,1989,1993,1998,2000,2003) even if a team from there didnt win the whole thing until this year. Of course the city was without a team 1972-2004.
    I grew up with the original Washington Senators (now the Twins) in the 50s and have always hoped one day to see a team from Washington go to the World Series. Maybe next year….(or the year after).

  • Big_Al says:

    Yep – Bud and his cohorts are greedy idiots, and the Nationals need and deserve an owner – which was promised by the All-Star break last July. Once an owner is found, there’s still the issue of getting a stadium built in D.C. – which is by no means a sure thing. The NoVa suburbs aren’t out of the picture yet.

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