Charlottesville Police and the Black Community

Speaking of racism, CBS 19 had an interesting two-part series on the black community and the Charlottesville police department. Though the bar is admittedly rather low, Summer Knowles has produced an unusually in-depth local TV news piece on a topic that likely didn’t come in as a press release. More of that, please.

(Via Sean Tubbs)

1 Response to “Charlottesville Police and the Black Community”

  • cvillenewser says:

    Quite frankly, I don’t see anything in-depth about the two stories. While part II was stronger than the first, neither revealed anything substantial about police and the community that we didn’t already know (other than the percentage of officers who are black compared to the city’s population). For the most part, the piece relies on opinions of people who just live in the city. What about hearing from the guy who was falsely arrested and wrongly accused? What about statistics showing the number of wrong arrests for blacks, whites, and other ethnic groups? What about statistics showing the number of blacks arrested vs. the number of whites arrested? What about discussions of what was learned from the mouth-swab fiasco a few years ago in response to catching the serial rapist? What about tangible examples of ways the relationship has been improving, as Ms. Knowles said in the 15 seconds she closed her series with? What about expanding on the ideas of the law professor about generalities (e.g. serial rapist description)? What about talking about how perhaps it’s a community awareness issue, too, especially in that news reports shortly after that false arrest during the Labor Day weekend, it had been said the victim repeatedly identified (incorrectly) her alleged attacker visually and by voice? Yes, the bar is “admittedly rather low,” but let’s only credit where credit is due. There are few facts here. This is why I don’t watch much local news. This two-parter was a start, but nothing more than that.

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