VPTC Blogging Panel

I’ll be speaking at a Virginia Piedmont Technology Council panel on Thursday (tomorrow). The 90-minute lunch, “‘Casting for Customers,” is all about blogging and business. Sean Tubbs, Edward Cossette, Michael Prichard and I will talk about how businesses can embrace blogs, take part in the Charlottesville blogging community, and use it for the betterment of their business and of the blogosphere. (I wrote a little about this topic last month.)

The event runs from 11:30am – 1:00pm, is held at the Omni, and costs $30 for VPTC members and $40 for non-members. I encourage you to attend.

7 Responses to “VPTC Blogging Panel”

  • I’m calling up now that the fact that I announced an event here is not an indication that I’ll announce events for anybody else here. (People submit announcements for events all the time. It drives me nuts.) Heck, I speak on panels about this stuff all the time, but this time it’s a) in town and b) of a matter of relevance to y’all, so I’ve broken the rule because, hey, they’re my rules. ;)

    If you want to announce an event, I encourage you to use the free text ads.

  • Until you posted as you just did (the first response to VPTC Blogging Panel) I would’ve never known anything was out of the ordinary. I mean heck, you posted about that event at UVA with you, Rick Sincere, and Norman. I figured it was just another blogging/podcasting sorta announcement.

    Do you get many requests/story submissions asking you to do a post announcing something like someones yard sale?

    Anyway, I also figure.. this is your blog.. so you will always be the acception to any rule… so to speak. :)

  • I mean heck, you posted about that event at UVA with you, Rick Sincere, and Norman.

    Actually, that was on my personal blog. I didn’t write anything about it here.

    Do you get many requests/story submissions asking you to do a post announcing something like someones yard sale?

    Yes. And that triples every time I make the mistake of posting about an event. Just this morning somebody wanted me to write about some sale of DVDs on their website. Feh.

  • Jack says:

    Blogging about blogging. *Snore*

    Let’s all podcast our toilets flushing and blog about it until our fat faces are flushed with excitement as we crush the ‘MSM;’ generally ushering in the future of mass communications &whatnot.

  • seantubbs says:

    You know, I think it would be interesting to produce a podcast where people announce what’s going on, what’s coming up, a la WINA’s Plug Away Monday. Maybe you could forward some of those announcements on to me, and I could have something to produce? I can think of several ways to approach this as a radio show.

  • There are a few organizations in town that maintain community calendars. I’ve occasionally flirted with the idea of uniting these under one umbrella, but none of them publish .ics files, or provide any other means of exporting data. So a new site would just further fragment things. But there’s no reason why you could check those out, say, weekly and establish a podcast of upcoming events. I’d think that would be the sort of thing that the Hookville might be interested in sponsoring, since it goes along with their events listing.

  • Waldo wrote:

    Actually, that was on my personal blog. I didn’t write anything about it here.

    Woops my bad. Should’ve been paying more attention.

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