Council to Challenge Census

The April census numbers for Charlottesville report that the population has dropped by 8.7% since 2000, but City Council isn’t buying it. At tonight’s City Council meeting, they voted unanimously to formally challenge the Census Bureau’s findings, asking for a recount, WCAV reports. Getting the number right is important, because state and federal funding is often based on the population size — if our population is being underestimated, then we’re not getting our fair share.

A quick Google perusal shows that such challenges are common, for the same reasons cited by the city. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don’t.

5 Responses to “Council to Challenge Census”

  • perlogik says:

    Doesn’t theis problem stem from the miscounting of part of UVA that are really county property? I seem to remember thta the county had a change of square miles because of the mistake.

  • Waldo says:

    I think, ultimately, it’s not clear where it comes from, because it’s not clear that there’s an actual problem. If there is an error, though, the fuzzy UVa/C’ville full-time-resident/student area seems to be a likely culprit.

  • UVA08 says:

    I think its very possible that the census estimates are in error. A simple drive around town would give you the impression that there isnt a drop in population, but then again all the surrounding areas are booming. From all the construction downtown, 5th street, ridge street, and soon on Cherry AV. I have a hard time believing that people are moving out. 3,500 in 5 years is a lot of people considering the population of the city itself. However, I cant think of a few people off the top of my head who have left the city limits for Nelson, Albemarle, Louisa, Fluvanna, and Greene.

  • Jack says:

    I can see how a downward population trend would be possible (which is not to say that I am convinced of it). There are a lot of retirees and older, wealthy ’empty nesters’ moving here from out of state or from Northern Virginia (oh wait, NoVA *is* out of state).

    Meanwhile, many people like myself living in Charlottesville have families and are not millionaries. I am probably putting my house in Johnson Village up for sale soon (interested parties feel free to get in touch – I’ll knock the price down if I don’t have to deal with having it listed in the first place) in part because the cost of living here is becoming absurd. I’ll be one of those refugees heading off for greener, cheaper pastures. My household of 3 will probably be replaced by a houehold of either 2 retirees or a landlord renting to half a dozen students who will not consider this their primary residence.

  • UVA08 says:

    Correction: I meant to say “I can* think of a few people off the top of my head who have left the city limits for Nelson, Albemarle, Louisa, Fluvanna, and Greene”

    “There are a lot of retirees and older, wealthy ‘empty nesters’ moving here from out of state or from Northern Virginia”

    You know I talked to a close friend from the north about this very thing. She insisted that the cost of living in the north is far worse and that we shouldnt complain and that people from there would gladly take these homes that we think are expensive…. But the thing is these people ARE taking these houses and bringing money from their northern salaries which are higher than ours. Meanwhile the average salary of a native person from the Charlottesville (however few of us there may be) is not climbing 30% a year with the cost of housing.

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