C’ville Blog Aggregator

Long-time readers know that one of my frustrations with the site is that I run it. So while anybody can comment, what appears on the front page is still based on what I think is important. And what the hell do I know?

So I’ve established an aggregator for Charlottesville blogs. It’s updated every 3 hours, and lists all of the latest blog entries from bloggers in and around Charlottesville. It turns out that there’s a surprising variety in what people are talking about, and some of the views on what’s going on around town I’ve found to be really interesting in the few days since I set it up.

If you’re a blogger, or you know of a Charlottesville blog that isn’t listed, just let me know and I’ll add it to the blogroll. Bookmark the site or add it to your news reader and see what people are talking about.

06/16 Update: I forgot to point out that I really hope that a local blog aggregator will encourage others to start blogging, knowing that they’ll have an immediate audience. Some of the easier services include Blogger, LiveJournal, and TypePad. It takes just 5 to 10 minutes to get set up.

3 Responses to “C’ville Blog Aggregator”

  • anoop says:

    It’d be really nice if the aggregator could have an RSS feed!


  • Waldo says:

    It does — that’s what the ad it to your news reader link in the above article is for. :) I haven’t yet linked to the RSS feed on the page itself, though — I’ll take care of that today.

  • Thanks for adding me to your aggregator and thanks for the work you have done to foster a C’ville blogging community.

    I have been blogging from Lake Monticello for almost two years and had not discovered the C’ville blogging community until I started getting hits from your blog.

    Keep up the great work. I’d like to interview you sometime in the near future.

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