Superintendent Castner to Retire

Albemarle Superintendent Kevin Castner has announced that he will retire from his position on December 31, WINA reports. Castner has held the position since 1994. Albemarle is now in the same unenviable position as Charlottesville — they’ve got to find a new superintendent. Hey, I hear Scottie Griffin is looking for a job.

2 Responses to “Superintendent Castner to Retire”

  • hlamont says:

    I absolutly agree with this letter! It’s past time to merge the two school systems.

    Try combining school systems
    Charlottesville Daily Progress
    Sunday, June 19, 2005

    What an excellent opportunity Charlottesville and Albemarle County Democrats have right now to do the Charlottesville-Albemarle community a huge favor.

    Both jurisdictions’ school boards, controlled by Democratic Party majorities, could bring both villages together to educate all the children in a fiscally responsible way now that Charlottesville Superintendent Scottie Griffin has left and Albemarle Superintendent Kevin Castner has announced his impending retirement.

    Both systems need new superintendents on the same time schedule. Both communities could benefit from the financial relief of such a merger.

    The resulting A-plus school division would blend the best of both systems into a magnificently diverse and high-performing student body. It would also eliminate the artificiality of political and geographical boundaries that currently limit both communities’ aspirations to create a truly world-class public education system right next door to one of the world’s truly great universities.

    Gary Wayne Grant

    Albemarle County

    This story can be found at:!news

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  • Waldo says:

    The Charlottesville school board is controlled by a Democratic majority?

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