NGIC Heads Up War Games

Ted Bridis writes for the AP:

The CIA is conducting a secretive war game, dubbed “Silent Horizon,” this week to practice defending against an electronic assault on the same scale as the Sept. 11 terrorism attacks.

The three-day exercise, ending Thursday, was meant to test the ability of government and industry to respond to escalating Internet disruptions over many months, according to participants. They spoke on condition of anonymity because the CIA asked them not to disclose details of the sensitive exercise taking place in Charlottesville, Va., about two hours southwest of Washington.

This, presumably, is at the National Ground Intelligence Center. Totally cool. Thanks to James Weissman for the tip.

1 Response to “NGIC Heads Up War Games”

  • perlogik says:

    Would this war game have been on a closed system or would they simulated it though the internet. The reason I ask is there were several days when I had terrible internet response. I was blaming my local provider but is it possible these games affected local traffic?
    I am really more curious than anything else.

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