Loudoun Man to Run Against Rooker

Christian J. Schoenewald, age 32, just moved here from Loudoun County two years ago, and thankfully knows everything that’s wrong with Albemarle and just how to fix it…though on the specifics, not so much. In today’s Progress, Claudia Pinto reports that he’s seeking the Republican nomination to run against Board of Supervisors incumbent Dennis Rooker. Schoenewald claims that Loudoun has implemented “zero-growth policies” that have bizarrely led to “wall-to-wall condominiums and the traffic is horrible” — he proposes removing our non-existent growth restrictions in order to preserve the rural character of Albemarle County.

There’s no word on what brand of carpetbag that he prefers. Not that I’m bitter.

1 Response to “Loudoun Man to Run Against Rooker”

  • Ryo_Road says:

    There are two different ways you can look at this. You can either say “The last thing we need is someone from Loundon county, the fastest growing county in VA and 2nd in the US, telling us how “to run our community.” or you can say “She knows where Loundon went wrong and can prevent Albemarle from heading even further down that path.”
    On the issue of the board race, how competitive are these things anyway? I know in the last election Albemarle county trended 9% to the left and turned blue, so I am wondering if it will make the races more competitive. Anyone have any predictions?

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