Please Excuse The Downtime

My apologies for the site downtime since last Thursday. After last week’s windstorm and subsequent power outage, Sprint DSL facilities out here on 20 North had some kind of a short, which killed my home phone line. On Thursday, they fixed it, killing my internet connection in the process. (Given the choice between phone and internet, I’ll take internet any day.) They just fixed the DSL five minutes ago.

Too bad Sprint is the only provider out here — I hosted this site via an Ntelos connection since its inception, up until December, and never had any such trouble. I’ll have to figure out some sort of alternate hosting for this site — I can’t see Sprint cleaning up their act any time soon.

1 Response to “Please Excuse The Downtime”

  • cville_libertarian says:

    Sorry to hear about that – as always, maintaining a public service like this is an often thankless job! I really appreciate what you do, and know from personal experience maintaining similar services what kind of time and effort is involved.

    Glad you’re back up!

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