School Board Member Announces Run Against Bell

Ryo_Road writes: NBC 29 is reporting that School Board member Stephen Koleszar, a Democrat from the Scottsville area, will be running against Robert Bell in the 58th district. Koleszar told NBC 29 that he mainly concerned about traffic funding, or the lack there of, for the Charlottesville area. He specifically mentions two of the area’s busiest roads, Route 29 and Route 53 (Charlottesville-Lake Monticello). He stated the following: “The state has been providing a decreasing share of revenue which has made more burdens on the localities. I’m also very concerned about the transportation issues there are a lot of people commuting down 29 and 53 and those roads are terrible.” NBC 29 has the full story.

1 Response to “School Board Member Announces Run Against Bell”

  • cvillenative says:

    Daily Progress has the story March 17 2005

    Calling his bid a David verses Goliath challenge, Koleszar said, “Rob Bell is this professional, polished, personable politician who everybody thinks is this giant. … I look around and I don’t see anybody else coming forward to do this, so I am going to have to do it.”

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