Local Woman Survives Tsunami

Charlottesville chiropractor Irv Cox received an e-mail from his daughter, Stephanie, telling the remarkable tale about how she survived the tsunami when it struck Railay Bay, where she was on a docked ferry. She and her fiancee, along with a growing crowd of people, fled ashore as a trio of gigantic swells nearly overcame them, escaping to the jungle before being evacuated the next day. John Yellig has the story in today’s Progress.

1 Response to “Local Woman Survives Tsunami”

  • tayloe says:

    hey waldo–

    what a weird coincidence…stephanie cox’s fiancee lou is a good friend of mine from high school. i also received her amazing email while peter g. and i were skiing in aspen over new years. i forwarded her horrifying email to my friends at cnn who interviewed her and lou for a story. the link is below. the progress story is wrong though–both lou and stephanie live in denver. its amazing they survived.


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