Students Arrested for Field Trip

Last week, a UVa fiction teacher took 23 students on a field trip to the abandoned Blue Ridge Hospital, by way of inspiration. As the hospital is owned by UVa, they figured they were OK. Not so: a UVa Foundation representative had them arrested for trespassing. Hilarity ensued. Ultimately, UVa persuaded commonwealth’s attorney Jim Camblos to drop the charges, and the students got off with $66 in court fines apiece. Kate Andrews has the story in today’s Progress.

4 Responses to “Students Arrested for Field Trip”

  • Cecil says:

    I am curious to see if this story ends up having any legs, media-wise. I know the _Cav Daily_ is doing a story; what I’m wondering is how far it will spread beyond cville. This is just the kind of little news tidbit that folks love to read about the state’s flagship university…

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    this is go againist the honor code, i mean all of those students are now crimnals.

    yeah that would be interesting.

  • blanco_nino says:


  • cornelious says:

    of the "Razor Wire" case of trespassing – not exactly a parallel but does afford me the opportunity to ask what happened in that case.

    Last I heard the case was scheduled to go to court 29 August and the "City" was perturbed because many city employees were scheduled to testify.

    I lean towards the side of Mrs Presley (sp) primarily because I firmly believe in property rights but would like to know what was decided.

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