Monthly Archive for August, 2004

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29 N. Developments Upset About Development

Yet Another Shopping Center (YASC) has been proposed: “Northtown Center,” between the Woodbrook and Carrsbrook developments on 29 North. The plan is for it to have the usual array of big box retail and fast food. The homeowners associations at Woodbrook and Carrsbrook are upset, though, because the development would get rid of the stream that puts the “brook” in “Woodbrook” and “Carrsbrook,” and the prospect of a 20-foot retaining wall isn’t particularly appealing to them, either. They’re not trying to fight the development, they emphasize, but see it as inevitable — they just want it to be less intrusive and less environmentally unsound. Julie Stavitski had the story in Friday’s Progress.

New TV Stations on Schedule

It seems that all three new TV stations — WCAV (CBS, 19), WVAW (ABC, 16) and WCVL (9) are on schedule for their launch dates, WCAV in six days, WVAW in September, and WCVL in November. WCAV and WVAW, both owned by Gray Communications, have set up offices at the Ix Building, running out of a trailer until their offices there have been built. WCVL have rented the old Charlottesville Broadcasting space in the Market Street parking garage, but are still seeking the funding to get set up. WCAV, the first to launch, won’t have any local news until they get some reporters in September. Elizabeth Nelson had the story in Friday’s Progress.



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