The Commuter Home in Nantucket

Remember the offbeat sculpture that used to stand in Fashion Square Mall — the bronze, life-sized sculpture of the commuting, suit-wearing businessman, traveling via pogo stick? The smile-inducing piece always seemed more suited for the Downtown Mall than the sterile environs of Fashion Square, and when Simon Properties started on the remodeling of the mall a few years ago, they apparently agreed, and got rid of it. Friday afternoon, Bud Hambleton’s “The Commuter” will be unveiled at its new, old home — the Nantucket waterfront, where it stood in front of a gallery in the late 70s. Nantucket’s Inquirer and Mirror has the story.

1 Response to “The Commuter Home in Nantucket”

  • Waldo says:

    Frankly, I’m a bit jealous — I’d always wanted it on the Downtown Mall. Still, I look forward to one day, having forgotten about it, finding myself in Nantucket and being faced with a familiar sight. :) I’m just glad that it’s on display somewhere. I quite like it.

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