Yet Another TV Station

Joining WVIR and the summer-slated CBS affiliate is yet another television station, Channel 9, a broadcast station. This one is billed as all C’ville, all the time — city news, city music, segments based on print media features, and a rebroadcast of WINA’s morning show. They hope to sign a lease on the old WINA space, in the Market Street parking garage, but still have the small issue of raising $3M to get things going. September 1 is the slated launch date. Liz Nelson has the story in today’s Progress.

6 Responses to “Yet Another TV Station”

  • ColinC says:

    Somehow I’m skeptical of this. TV stations are expensive to run, and to get 24 hours a day of local programming that’s halfway decent seems to me to be a huge proposition. Not to mention the fact that Cville is a small market and advertisers are few. When it comes down to it, most people would rather watch Friends than the CHS lacrosse team. Nice thought, though.

  • Waldo says:

    I’m inclined to agree. If this happens, I suspect it’ll be a cross between WADA (Pax) and public access.

  • ragnar says:

    I believe the volume of news on this site (no offense, Waldo) may be indicative of the lack of news in Charlottesville. Best wishes to them though.

  • Waldo says:

    I believe the volume of news on this site (no offense, Waldo)

    None taken. :) Scandals come and go. Nobody really wants to talk about the more routine news items, like new city budgets and the like. But a meaty Council election (which this one is not), a multi-day city-wide manhunt for a multiple murderer, or a series of race-based attacks are the sort of things that lead people to want to debate and vent about. When something warranting lots of debate pops up, people know where to find the site. :)

  • IamDaMan3 says:

    we need some developer wanting to put up a mega box store to stir up debate. Those usually get everyone wild up.

  • SidShumate says:

    The transmitter for the Ch. 9 is going to be way north of town, somewhere between Ruckersville and Standardsville, and low powered, so it will have a tough time being received in Charlottesville if it does not get on cable. The FCC website lists the owner as John Powley. Last time I saw John was when I visited his little ABC-affiliated station in Johnstown, PA, in 1979. It was a tiny, shoestring operation running on old, worn out equipment. Sorry, John, you’re a survivor in the business, but I wouldn’t be putting any money into this operation; looks like a financial black hole to me.

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